

  "Edité avec le soutien financier de la Commission européenne. Le contenu de cette publication et l'usage qui pourrait en être fait n'engagent pas la responsabilité de la Commission européenne."

Our village is situated in 15 kilometers from Strasbourg, East of France near the German border. There's approximatively 1495 inhabitants. Our school has two classes, two teachers and two school help. 
It's attended by 42 children from 2 1/2 to 6 years old. They come rather from favoured middle
Our project school is "develop the mastery of the language to act on the understanding, the expression, the autonomy..."
To be in a Comenius Project is a great opportunity for our little school. It's an opening on Europe, our neighbours, thus of multiple tracks on study at the level of language through culturals exchanges.

WELCOME IN STRASBOURG, Mobility : December 2012

Between working time and visits

Our Mobility in Hazelbury Infant School, Edmonton Green, England, February 2013



Mobility in Nova Goriça, Slovenia, april 2013

 Visite à la mairie de Nova Goriça, Rencontre avec M. Le Maire

A la Frontière Italienne..........


Juin 2013

Octobre 2013

Mobility in Hazelbury Infant School, Londres octobre 2013, avec Jeannala

                                                  Energizer for adults

                                                                                          Energizer for children

                             The show

                                   Jeannala & Paddington

Our journey shared with the parents....

SKYPE WITH TURKEY..... november 2013

1 comment:

  1. Great work, thank you for all your your contributions to our project together.
